紀伊國屋書店:BKT Author Talk:


BKT Author Talk: "Intelligent Prompts: Unleashing AI’s Potential" AIプロンプトの達人来店

  • AI
  • aiprompts
  • artificialintelligence
  • chatgpt
  • English books
  • 洋書
  • 英語

Intelligent Prompts: Unleashing AI’s Potential

Are you interested in using AI technology for your business? Where should you start?

Well-written prompts are key to getting the results you want, but this could be tricky.

Explore the essentials of crafting AI prompts with expert Jeffrey Allan to revolutionize content creation, followed by an engaging Q&A session. Admission is free!

Jeffrey Allan is the co-author of "Writing AI Prompts for Dummies", which will be available on the day. 


WHEN:  May 25th Saturday, 2:00 pm - 3:00 pm 

WHERE:  Event space inside  Books Kinokuniya Tokyo - next to Takashimaya.

ADMISSION:  Free admission, no registration needed. Presentation will be followed by a Q&A and a book signing session.  

LANGUAGE: Primary language for the talk is English, but the author will take questions from the audience in Japanese with help from staff.  


About Jeffrey Allan: 

As the Director of Nazareth University's Institute for Responsible Technology and Artificial Intelligence, Jeffrey Allan serves as a leading voice for the advancement of responsible AI and its application across business and society. He also holds a secondary role as an Assistant Professor in Nazareth's School of Business and Leadership. His career is marked by a series of high-impact roles, including founding and leading Silicon Valley startups to successful exits, and spearheading strategic initiatives for major multinational tech firms across Asia. Allan's academic credentials include undergraduate and graduate degrees in psychology with a focus on social cognition and cross-cultural interaction. These are complemented by his PhD studies in International Business, with research expertise in global strategy and management.


Jeffrey Allanジェフリー・アラン

1973年、ボストン生まれ。ニューヨーク州ナザレス大学ビジネス・リーダーシップ学部助教授および同学の研究所 Institute of Responsible Technology and Artificial Intelligence 所長。ノースダコタ大学心理学部で学士号および修士号を取得後、サザンニューハンプシャー大学で国際ビジネスの博士号を修了。日本やシンガポールなどアジアの主要テクノロジー企業での事業戦略や、シリコンバレーでのAI関連スタートアップの起業など、テクノロジー分野のグローバルビジネス家経験豊富。異文化間交流と社会的認知の研究者として論文掲載のほかテクノロジーの倫理的応用の促進に貢献。

Book will be released on the day! Learn the art of writing effective AI prompts and break into an exciting new career field . Unlock the full power of generative AI with Writing AI Prompts For Dummies, a comprehensive guide that will teach you how to confidentially write effective AI prompts. Whether it's text, images, or even videos and music you're aiming to create, this book provides the foundational knowledge and practical strategies needed to produce impressive results.

注目の記事ランキング2024年5月12日〜 5月18日(過去7日間)

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新聞の書評コーナーで紹介された本:週末掲載 - 2024年5月10-12日版:読売・朝日・毎日・日経・産経・東京・週刊読書人

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