紀伊國屋書店:9th Anniversary Sale -20% off Book Sale (May 25-28)


9th Anniversary Sale -20% off Book Sale (May 25-28)

  • book sale
  • English books
  • セール
  • 洋書

Books Kinokuniya Tokyo
9th Anniversary Sale
May 25th Thurs to May 28th Sun, 2023
20% off imported books at the cashier! 

Business hours: 11 am to 7 pm

It's been 9 years since we opened a store dedicated to foreign-language books and magazines.

To celebrate our anniversary, we are holding a -20% discount store-wide sale of imported books and magazines including English books such as fiction, nonfiction, ELT, humanities, natural sciences, children's books, young adult titles, manga, western comics, and art & design, plus French, German, Italian, Spanish, Chinese (traditional characters) and Vietnamese books.  The discount will be given at the cashier.

Please enjoy our wide range of books!   Only 4 days, and only in our branch.

 *Note: Simplified Chinese and Korean books will be on -10% discount 
*Books and magazines published in Japan and some titles may not qualify for discount. Please ask staff if you need more information.
*Discount applies to in-stock items only. 
*Free delivery to one location in Japan is available for purchases of 8,000 yen or above; please let us know during check out. 

We would like to encourage customers to visit during weekdays if possible, as the store is less busy.  Thank you. 


Find us on Facebook:  CLICK HERE

How to come from Shinjuku Station: CLICK HERE

Address:  6th floor, Takashimaya Times Square South Building, Sendagaya 5-24-2, Shibuya-ku, Tokyo 151-0051

Google map: CLICK HERE  

Phone:  03-5361-3316
Open from 11 am to 7 pm 
If you are parking in Takashimaya's parking lot, we can give you 1 hour free parking for purchases over 3,000 yen. Please let the cashier know at check-out. 


注目の記事ランキング2024年10月6日〜 10月12日(過去7日間)

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凪良ゆう先生『美しい彼4 儘ならない彼』発売記念サイン本抽選販売


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