さいたま新都心駅直結、コクーンシティ 1Fにある650坪の大型書店です。コミック、児童書、絵本、実用書、雑誌、CD/DVDまで幅広く取り揃えております。
Books Kinokuniya is well-known in Japan and other countries, and has a lot of manga, children's books, technical books, art books, and magazines. It's one of the largest bookstores in the area, and lots of book lovers come here from all over the world. International Magazines and Stationery are available in this store.
紀伊國屋書店在日本和其他国家都很有名,拥有大量漫画、儿童读物、技术书籍、艺术书籍和杂志。它是该地区最大的书店之一,许多书籍爱好者从世界各地来到这里。 这家商店出售国际杂志和文具。