紀伊國屋書店:How to get to our bookstore (Books Kinokuniya Tokyo)


How to get to our bookstore (Books Kinokuniya Tokyo)

  • directions
  • English books
  • 洋書
  • 英語
  • 道案内

Directions to "Books Kinokuniya Tokyo" - one entire floor of English books plus other languages

Our bookstore is located inside a building halfway between Shinjuku and Yoyogi. Here we describe how you can visit us, using pictures.  You are starting from the South Exit of JR Shinjuku Station.  日本語はこちらをクリック




There are many exits in Shinjuku Station. This is a photo of JR Shinjuku South Gate, taken from outside. Once you leave the exit, move on to the next picture.


BKT busta1

As you leave the station, you will see a big crossing ahead of you. Cross to the other side (watch out for traffic).  Proceed to the next photo.


BKT busta2

The other side is also Shinjuku Station plus a bus terminal. Don't go inside, and simply take a left and walk alongside the building as indicated by the arrow.


When you come to this spot, take a right. There should be a roof overhead at this point. Proceed to the next photo.


Keep going straight ahead. On your left is Miraina Tower office building.


BKT ミライナタワー改札

As you walk, you will see another JR exit on your right. This is called Miraina Tower gate and may be more convenient for some people, especially if you use Saikyo Line. Keep this exit on your right and keep walking in the direction of the arrow.



You will soon see a big building with Takashimaya in red letters. This is the department store. With Takashimaya on your left, keep walking ahead on the path outside the building.



You're almost there. As you come to the end of the Takashimaya building, you'll see another building ahead of you, where we are. Cross the bridge and go inside the Nitori home furnishings store. Take the elevator / escalator up to the 6th floor, and you've reached our bookstore!

Alternate ways

You can also try getting to us from the 5th floor of the Takashimaya building, where there's a connecting corridor to our side. However, there's a downward escalator on our side that can be dangerous for wheelchairs and strollers. There's a bell in front of the theater just to the left of the escalator, where you can call staff for assistance. 

Also, you can go down the basement of Takashimaya and access us through their deli/groceries floor. There is an elevator on our end.  

We hope you can visit us!  

Phone 03-5361-3316


注目の記事ランキング2024年9月2日〜 9月8日(過去7日間)


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