紀伊國屋書店:2021 New Year Sale - Jan 7th-11th


2021 New Year Sale - Jan 7th-11th

  • 2021年
  • English book sale
  • English books
  • French
  • German
  • Italian
  • Spanish
  • Vietnamese
  • セール
  • 新春
  • 洋書
  • 英語

Let's start out 2021 with a new pile of books!

Books Kinokuniya Tokyo will hold its annual New Year Sale from January 7th Thursday to January 11th Monday (holiday). There will be a discount of 20% at the cashier for imported books and magazines.  New arrivals and old favorites alike are on discount; it's time to stock up!   

*some restrictions may apply


WHEN:  January 7th (Thurs) to 11th (Mon), 2021  

WHERE:  Books Kinokuniya Tokyo   Google map to our store

Business hours from Jan. 2nd onwards: 11 am to 8pm

Phone: 03-5361-3316


We have a huge range of fiction, nonfiction, children's books, cookery, art & design, ELT textbooks, academic titles and more in English. There is a sizeable French section, as well as shelves for Spanish, German, Italian, Vietnamese, Korean, and Chinese. 

For a purchase of 5,000 yen or above, we have a free delivery service to a single location in Japan (this is a special offer unique to our branch, offered until Jan.31st) .  In addition to cash, we also  accept credit cards, tosho cards, quo cards, and paypay. 

Sorry, there are no Lucky Bags this year to avoid crowds, and we kindly ask ALL customers to wear a mask in the store while browsing. Sanitizers will be provided at the entrances for your use also.  See you soon!

The fine print: 

The discount is given to imported books and not to books published domestically. The discount rate for English, French, German, Italian, Spanish, Vietnamese, and Taiwanese books are 20%.  The discount rate for Simplified Chinese and Korean books is 10%, due to a difference in import routes and cost. We kindly ask for your understanding.

Don't hesitate to ask us if you have questions! 

Facebook: @BooksKinokuniyaTokyo   

Twitter: @kino_BKT 







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