紀伊國屋書店:Creating Cool Japan: Two Pop Culture Insiders Share Their Stories


Creating Cool Japan: Two Pop Culture Insiders Share Their Stories

  • CoolJapan
  • ENGLISH event
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Creating Cool Japan: Two Pop Culture Insiders Share Their Stories

Special Talk Event 

Mr. Benjamin Boas and Ms. Åsa Ekström

The "Cool Japan" initiative is the Japanese government's effort to widely advertise the culture of this country to other nationals.  But how effective was it? Did it convey its coolness the way it could have? Or were there some things that could have gone differently? Author and Official Cool Japan ambassador Benjamin Boas, whose book "Nihon wa Cool?" just came out from Japanese publisher Crossmedia, has been working several years for the project. As an insider, Mr. Boas has first-hand knowledge of the initiative and what actually went well (or wrong). He discusses his experience, and  some suggestions for its future, with fellow expert Ms. Ekström, who has written several hit manga essays about living and travelling in Japan. 

Join us for this unique event which will be followed by a short Q&A and a book signing!  Event language will be in English. 

Event Date and Time:   

February 11th Saturday, 2:30 pm.  Approximately 1 hour.

Admission:  FREE

Seating:  There will be chairs available but in limited numbers. Please come early.

Access and location:   Event space in Books Kinokuniya Tokyo, near Takashimaya department store, in the same building as Nitori.  We're on the 6th floor.

Google map HERE 

For inquiries:  PHONE: 03-5361-3316  (ask for Ms. Sumi)  or message us on Facebook:  @bookskinokuniyatokyo

Author biographies

Benjamin Boas  Benjamin is an author, short-form writer, editor, and translator with content specializing in Japanese language and culture. As a black belt in Aikido, Cool Japan ambassador, and competitive mahjong player he has a wealth of interesting knowledge and experience to draw upon.

Åsa Ekström  Åsa Ekström is a Swedish manga artist and illustrator living in Tokyo for 10 or so years. She debuted in Japan in 2015 with the autobiographical strip comic "Hokuou Joshi Åsa ga Mitsuketa Nihon no Fushigi" about the perks and wonders of Japan from a foreigners perspective. 
The series consists of 7 books and has currently sold more than 270 000 copies all in all.






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